When a storm strikes while you’re transporting your horse via trailer, you need to be prepared. Otherwise, what would normally be a minor inconvenience could turn into a full-blown disaster. If you want to know how to keep your horse safe during a storm, check out this guide from the experts at True Value Trailers.

Have Your Horse Trailer Ready

One thing that you can do to help ensure that a storm never catches you off-guard while transporting your horse in a horse trailer is to make sure that the trailer itself is always prepared. The worst time to discover a flat tire is during an emergency. That’s why basic maintenance is so important. You should also perform regular inspections on your horse trailer just to make sure that everything is still functioning as it should. If feasible, try to keep your horse trailer connected to help ensure that you’ll be ready to roll if a storm hits. 

Gather Food and Supplies

Having some extra food and other supplies on hand for your horse can be very helpful in an emergency. Of course, you’ll need some method of sealing up or otherwise weatherproofing the supplies. Otherwise, the rain might get in and ruin them. In addition to your human first aid kit, pack some medical supplies for your horse. This will help tide your horse over until you can get help from a professional veterinarian. 

Getting Stuck

Major storms can lead to everyone attempting to leave an area at once, creating traffic jams. It may be worth it to study up on the nearby backroads so you have a fallback in case of emergency. It might take a bit longer on paper, but in the long run it’ll be better for your horses if you can keep them moving. If you do get stuck, occasionally check on your horses and keep them hydrated. 

Shop horse trailers at True Value Trailers. We operate dealerships in both Penrose and Florence, Colorado. We also offer motorcycle servicing and parts. We’re proud to serve communities like Pueblo and Colorado Springs, Colorado.